Sunday, August 10, 2008

Double Digits

I ran 10.2 miles this morning. Hooray for me! It felt wonderful. I got to my halfway point and realized I was running much slower than I thought (need to memorize the mile markers before I head out), so I stepped it up on the way back and ran almost a mile-an-hour faster. I was cruising, but felt really good. I swear I am meant for long distances. My knees would beg to differ, as I am now hobbling up and down the stairs like an old woman, but I feel like I never hit my stride until 4+ miles in. Now that I've completed my first double-digit, I feel like a true runner. Yea!
I am downloading a few pics off the camera. There's a couple of the zoo (yes, it was that hot!), and the night when Hattie picked up the guitar and held it correctly (one of Brian's proudest moments) and another of Hattie doing her two favorite things...reading and snuggling with her woobie. She's got a few new tricks since the last time I posted...she says her name(Ha Per), knows almost all her letters, and can count to three. I am so proud of my little Ha Per.