Thursday, May 31, 2007

Girl in the bubble

If you are squeamish, skip this post. Really. It is pretty sickening. At least I know I am highly disturbed by it, but maybe it is all just me. Anyway, here goes…
Last night I was prepared to make us a nice, healthy dinner. Grilled chicken, broccoli and whole grains. The grains come in a box from Near East. Alright, here comes the disturbing part, stop if you wish. Last chance. When I opened the box and pulled out the spice packet I noticed something was stuck to it. Figuring it was grains, I tried to brush it into the pan of water. It was not brushing in. I looked closer. It was…..a live maggot. A MAGGOT for f’s sake! In my kitchen! I looked in the box and he had friends, live friends. A nearly threw up and then proceeded to wig out in my kitchen screeching, shaking uncontrollably (still doing it, just writing this) and washing my hands violently. I am not usually so squeamish but maggots are my hugest fear. They.Freak.Me.Out. Completely. Utterly. More than anything else. For my Mom, its snakes. For me, maggots. They make me want to run and shower for hours, burn the house down and start from scratch. Bleach everything. Live in a bubble. Anyhow, after flipping out for several minutes, my dear husband came, cleaned the kitchen and made dinner that included no grains or rice of any sort. Eeeeeew! Am I overreacting? I seriously am still so disgusted by this. I wrote the company this morning. Brian threw out the other 2 boxes in the pantry. I just bought them last week. My girlfriends think I should call the store because it probably happened there, but it was a sealed box, so I don’t see how that could’ve happened at the store. Don’t really want to think about how it happened and am ready to clear my head of the whole thing. That is after I bleach my entire house tonight. Where is my bubble?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I don’t have much to write about today. As a matter of fact, I don’t have nearly as much to write about in this blog as I thought I would. My life is pretty ordinary I suppose. In a good way. I have a couple of friends (and family) that thrive on chaos in their lives; most of the time utterly self-induced chaos. Brian and I don’t have this chaos. Or want it, for that matter. Sure we’re busy and it is a lot of work raising the most beautiful and gifted child in the world (not biased), but we roll along fairly seamlessly most days. It helps tremendously that we both lean towards homebody-ness, are easily entertained, and parsimonious (there’s your word for the day, kids). We enjoy sharing a bottle of red wine and playing with Hattie more than about anything else in this world. We’re simple folk. Makes it sound like we’re living on a farm in Podunk Kansas somewhere, but the booming metropolis that is Kansas City does elude us most nights. Although this weekend we will become part of the elite of Kansas City when we hit Jazzoo with a vengeance. Roar.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Last night was the season finale of American Idol. Yes, Brian and I both watch it (I am not taking all the blame, ahem, I mean credit). I got him hooked the first season and we’ve been wasting our time on it ever since. Yes, it is a show for fourteen year olds. Yes, the music sucks and we have never bought an album. No, we have not once voted. However, we do discuss contestants like we are producing them ourselves. For instance, this year the top 3 went home in the correct order. Melinda was by far the best singer, but she is older and would be better suited to have a career not run by some cheesy Idol producer. She could do Broadway or make an album geared told an older non-Idolesque crowd. She has gained attention and respect and I am sure doors are opening wide for her. Blake will also do fine without being number one. He can write his own stuff and already has his own sound. As crappy as that sound may be. Jordin is only 17 and does not have a style of her own. She sings country well, she sings pop well, and she sang that horrid first single well. She is a moldable little lump of clay for the producers to do with what they wish. I could not imagine being a junior in high school and having this title bestowed upon me. Of course, I guess that’s why she tried out. She seems a sweet girl and I hope she enjoys the ride. It will be a crazy one.
I have one additional note for the producers of the show (as I am certain they read this blog). Can we please not give awards to the pitiable, mentally-challenged people who tryout each year? These poor kids are being made fun of in front of an entire nation and do not realize it. It makes me sad. Next year let’s focus on good singers who get to move on to Hollywood. I don’t need to see people disgracing themselves in front of America. George Bush already owns that pony.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Six Months

Yesterday was Hattie’s six month birthday. I celebrated by having a martini when she was down for her evening nap. It is very rare that I have a martini, and when I do I feel like I should put on pearls, my best swing dress and wait for my darling husband to come home from a long day at the office. Just call me June Cleaver. With liquor. I did relish every drink of that olive concoction, and may have to partake more often...
Speaking of June Cleaver, I’ve been making Hattie’s baby food at home. (I am so domestic.) It’s pretty fun to make and tastes a million times better than the jarred stuff. That stuff is crap with a capitol C. Yuck. It bears no resemblance to the original food at all. Tonight I will be cooking up some sweet potatoes, pears, apples, peas and butternut squash portions (not all together). We’ll see what the girlio thinks of them. So far she’s been into everything but prunes. Who could blame her there, though?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I heard somewhere that Salvador Dali used to go to sleep holding a
metal spoon over a plate. When he would slip into a deep sleep, he
would drop the spoon and wake himself to remember the half-dreams he would have. Many of his works were inspired by those thoughts/dreams. While I was in Spain I got to visit his home near Cadaquez (a gorgeous seaside village). I realized there that it wasn't only his half-dreams that were totally bizarre, but I digress. My exercise for anyone reading this is to try it. You don't need the spoon & plate, just try and stay 'conscious' when you are falling asleep. Its a lot like meditating in that you stay in the moment and let thoughts come to you and float on by. Don't focus on one thing happening, just let things be. It is totally amazing what my brain does when I achieve this and I would be interested to hear what other people experience. These days I am so tired I am usually asleep before my head hits the pillow, but on those great, rare occasions I will achieve 'brain surrealism'.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


My brother just sent me this quote. Lovely, and so true.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!
- Mother Teresa

Queen Bee

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. As a new mom, I have been thinking a lot about motherhood and how fortunate I am to have the epitome of motherhood as my example in life. Mom has taught me more than I could ever realize or begin to express in words. She is “Mom” – protector, provider, nurturer, nurse, friend, confidante, rock. If I can be even half the mother that Mom has been to me, Hattie will be blessed.
She has taught me...
Family is king and always comes first.
Friends are jewels.
Knowledge is strength.
Humility is vital.
Laughter truly is the best medicine.
Learn spelling, grammar and multiplication early, you will always use them.
Mistakes are inevitable, and your honesty about them is essential.
A mother’s arms define tenderness.
Respect comes to those with strong morals.
You must speak up when something is wrong, but maintain your calm & composure.
Babies are for snuggling.
A bad day for you does not necessitate a bad day for everyone.
And most of all…
Life is for living. Enjoy every second and hold on tightly.

Mom, I love you so much that my heart could burst. You are my idol and I wish for you everything in life, you deserve it more than anyone I know. Happy Mother's Day.

"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
-- D.C. Fisher

Monday, May 7, 2007

Rain, rain, go away...

I am going to start building an ark. It’s been raining forever and is not supposed to stop for another 6 days. I wonder how many basements in KC are doomed at this point. Its crazy! On Sunday I was slated to play in a Corporate Challenge golf tournament and backed out last week to let someone else play who seemed a little more rabid about it (only 2 people are allowed in). For me, it was about drinking beer, hitting some balls and hanging out with a work friend of mine. We got ‘points’ for just showing up and I knew we weren’t going to win it. Well, it stormed like a mother yesterday morning and as I was lying in bed I thought what a wonderful decision it was to back out (check in was at 6:30, to boot). Terrible to think such things, but my bed was extra snuggly yesterday morning.
Brian and I had another wonderful weekend. Friday we met Jeff, Kris, Karrie & Taj at Ponaks for the world’s best margaritas. We then headed back to our house for a game night. It was a blast, but went entirely too quickly. Seemed like we had just gotten started and it was already midnight. I had such a great time…it was fun to have an adults only night to hang out and catch up with some of my most favorite people. The rest of the weekend consisted of birthday parties, Mother’s Day cookouts, and lots of family. Good times.
Today I thought I would give an update on Hattie and her doings these days…
She is 5 ½ months now. We haven’t started her on any veggies yet, but she loves her cereal and giggles halfway through eating it every night. I don’t know if it’s the funny faces I make trying to get a good spoonful in, or if I am tickling her with the spoon when I am cleaning her chin and cheeks, but she loves it. It’s so funny because she typically has a bunch of cereal in her mouth when she starts smiling and laughing, so it looks like she has teeth. I love that giggle…
She is also grabbing and holding toys. I think her teeth are pretty close to coming in – you can feel big bumps on her bottom gum and all toys get chomped on these days. She can roll over from her front to back, but not back to front. This makes it difficult to do ‘tummy time’ which docs recommend for back and neck strength. She has never really liked doing it and now that she can roll over, she does, when put on her belly. I wonder if she will be slow to crawl because of it. We’ll see. She can sit up with a little help keeping her steady. Same with standing. She loves her exersaucer, Bumbo seat, activity gym, crib and her dad. She always has smiles for Brian. It’s so cute…she is definitely daddy’s girl (much to Brian’s delight of course). She does not do a pacifier, but I think will have a woobie. She likes hanging onto blankets when put in her crib.
Overall she is a very happy baby and I could not be more proud.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Cereal nights

Here's a few new ones. The 5 month pic was from a couple weeks ago. The high chair ones were from last night...her first night in the chair. Very exciting. They were taken about 5-10 minutes apart, but notice the hand. It didn't move the whole time through her feeding. Is she cute or what?

Hands off the baby

I know that Hattie is incredibly squishable and one of the most beautiful babies ever and everything,(and no, I am not biased) but why, oh why do random people feel the need to touch her? Here’s a tip. If you don’t know the parents or the baby…hands off! I do not want your germs. Lord knows what you’ve got or where’ve you been. Yesterday at the craft store a woman decided to tickle Hattie’s toes (she was sockless, as it was a lovely 83 degrees). I cringed a little and tried to grin and bear it, all the while thinking, “She puts those toes in her mouth you weirdo! Get your random who-knows-the-last-time-they've-been-washed hands off her!” She went to grab her hand (which is the worst in my opinion as they have a semi-permanent place in her mouth) when I politely scooted off mentioning that yes indeed, she had ticklish toes. Is this a total overreaction? Yes. I realize that soon she will be picking nasty things up off the ground and inserting them all into her mouth, and I need to get used to it, but this really irritates me. A couple of weeks ago at church, Hattie and I stepped out into the foyer when she had decided to chat loudly with Fred (her travel companion and best friend) during the meditation prayer. As soon as I walked out, an usher from the church came up hands everywhere and asked if she could hold her. Um, sure? She proceeded to walk up and down the hall. Okay, you work at a church so I assume your heart is good, but please do not walk more than 3 feet from a new mom holding her most precious cargo. Better yet, go find a kid you know and hold them. I lasted less than 5 minutes until I told her she was fine now and we better head back in. So strange. I know I am a new parent and want to protect Hattie with everything I've got and I have to learn to let that go, but damn its hard! Soon there will be times on the playground when I will feel the need to remind her to ‘be careful’ or ‘watch what you’re doing’ only for it all to fall on deaf ears. I know this, but can’t I hang on just a little while?