Sunday, November 23, 2008



Here are some pics from the big "2" bash yesterday. Will post more later...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Amazing Adventures of Aquagirl

Hattie's been loving my swim goggles lately. And when you look this good in them, how could you not?!?
Halloween was a fun event. We finally coaxed her Daisy (from Oswald) costume on and went to visit the grandparents. I got no good pictures, but will post the only decent (kinda)one I got. In the evening, we set up camping chairs on our front porch to hand out candy. Hattie LOVED it...she would say "Kids!" when they headed our way and "Come on!". Then, when they left as quickly as they came Hattie would shout, "More!". We had a ball. Hope the goblins kept their distance on your ghoulish night.