Monday, March 31, 2008

I Heart Mondays

Just wanted to post a quick 'hooray for me'. I lost 3 pounds last week! At this rate, in 6 weeks I will hit my target...its wonderful incentive.
I'm in it to win it, baby!
Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Miss Skinny

Okay, so I started a diet this week. No wait, excuse me, I started a new ‘way of life’…diet is a taboo word these days. People who diet do not stay on them – people who change the way they think about food are successful. Do I sound like a commercial?
Let me begin by saying that I rarely diet. I think I’ve dieted (I know – again with the bad word) for maybe a month out of my whole life. Sure, I’ve needed it since Pizza Shuttle and beer found me in college, but I never did a whole lot about it. I’ve had years of gym memberships and lost some and toned doing that; but this time… actually for the first time, I feel really serious about it. My goal in my new ‘way of life’ is 20 pounds, which would put me back at high school weight, but for now I am shooting for 10. This first week has gone well. I borrowed a friend’s Weight Watcher’s book and am doing that for now. I have two bad habits (that I’ll mention)…one is that I don’t think about what I am eating most of the time, and the other is that my portion sizes are totally skewed. I think most of America’s are. If you’ve been to any chain restaurant in the last 10 years, you know. So, this book is giving me an idea of what I should be eating on a normal day. I am writing down what I eat (which helps with the mindless aspect I mentioned) and calculating where I am. I also began Jillian Michael’s Shred workouts. She’s the b*tchy lady from Biggest Loser. I don’t watch the show, but man, her workout is tough! You burn 300-500 calories in twenty minutes. Exactly what I need, since that is about all the free time I have in the afternoons.
So there you have it. A new me is hopefully emerging. I don’t want to turn this into a weight-loss blog, but I plan on letting you all know how much I am losing and how good I am feeling! Wish me luck. Oh, and the Levi’s that have been sitting in my closet patiently waiting for 10 years? Look out, cause here I come.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wearing O' the Green

I haven’t been taking as many pics lately as I should. I do love this one of Hattie because she can’t let St. Paddy’s Day go. She wears the necklace nonstop. She’s a bit like her mama in that regard…
And I did notice after taking it, that she has 2 new teeth! I knew one was there, but in fact, its two. So that’s 10 now, for those of you counting at home.
In a couple weeks we are visiting a photographer for a real photo shoot. Will post some ‘pro’ pics after we get them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hattie Pearl continues to make me laugh everyday. Yesterday we went on an errand to buy a shoe rack (good times). I looked and looked for the one in the ad and couldn’t find it. Hattie was holding the picture from the ad and I asked her if she could see it. She looked around, scanning the aisles, and looked and me and shrugged. It was really cute. She's so expressive for only having 2 words in her vocabulary. Lately we’ve got body parts down, colors, and are now working on shapes. She understands just about everything you say to her, which is so cool. I’ll be in a conversation with someone and you would think she would tune me out or not understand, but she’ll pick out a word or phrase, and indicate she understood by pointing to the object or in some way show me that she got it. It’s pretty amazing. She’s pretty amazing.
Her new obsessions? Light switches, her blue flowered shoes, playing 'chase' and phones. Will post pics soon.

The Human Body

I took a vacation day last Friday so that I could attend the Bodies Revealed exhibit at Union Station with Mom and Dad. It was so amazing and I highly recommend it to all. The ‘controversy’ surrounding it is total rubbish - it is tastefully done, educational and completely fascinating. I came out of it wanting to treat my body like the miraculous gift that it is. It is well worth your time and money. Go see it!
Afterwards, my mom left us and Dad and I went to lunch at Room 39. The food was good and the company was fantastic. I don’t get opportunities to hang out with just my dad much anymore- there are usually kids, projects or other things distracting us. It was such a nice afternoon and left me feeling high for hours. I love you, Dad. I can’t tell you enough that I am one of the luckiest people around to have you and Mom. I love that you were so involved in my childhood, but still gave me loads of freedom. I love that you are still here for me all the time. I love that you spend lots of time with Hattie. You’re the best and I appreciate all that you are and do.