Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hattie Pearl continues to make me laugh everyday. Yesterday we went on an errand to buy a shoe rack (good times). I looked and looked for the one in the ad and couldn’t find it. Hattie was holding the picture from the ad and I asked her if she could see it. She looked around, scanning the aisles, and looked and me and shrugged. It was really cute. She's so expressive for only having 2 words in her vocabulary. Lately we’ve got body parts down, colors, and are now working on shapes. She understands just about everything you say to her, which is so cool. I’ll be in a conversation with someone and you would think she would tune me out or not understand, but she’ll pick out a word or phrase, and indicate she understood by pointing to the object or in some way show me that she got it. It’s pretty amazing. She’s pretty amazing.
Her new obsessions? Light switches, her blue flowered shoes, playing 'chase' and phones. Will post pics soon.

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