Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"I think we got the best one"

Does every parent think they have the best kid? Because if they do, they’re all wrong. We do. Hattie Pearl has been so much fun lately. She is becoming more her own little person every day and I must say I love what she is becoming. She has always been an extremely mellow child, pretty content with whatever is happening, a great sleeper, a good eater, and lately her comedic side is really emerging. She cracks me up all the time. She is pointing and “oohing’ at everything. She loves to play peek-a-boo and will laugh like crazy if you act silly. She also does silly things for a laugh. Its amazing to me that kids know silly and embarrassment at such a young age. How do they know? Is silliness a genetic trait? Do you inherit your ancestors’ embarrassment gene? Crazy.
Anyhow, she is beginning to stand unassisted for brief periods now, and will take a wobbly step or two unaided. Brian and I predict her walking right around her first birthday next month. I can’t believe we are already getting to a year. Man, its flown by…
Other things she’s been working on lately include Eskimo kisses, waving, and driving, as seen here.

Are those the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen?!?

Monday, October 15, 2007


We attended the Wilco show on Saturday night at the Crossroads. The weather participated and we got no rain. It was my first visit to the venue, and while it was cool being outdoors downtown with the KC skyline all around, I think that will be my last show there. I am too (choose: spoiled/old/lazy) to stand in the middle of a field to watch live music. I guess I've done it too many times before. The show was great though; Jeff Tweedy is a great frontman. He is funny and can lead the band and audience with grace through their varied songs. Their music is so diverse, moving effortlessly from quiet acoustic ditties to loud, dissonant jams. They are one of the most interesting bands out there. And (guitarist) Nels Cline is so unique. He shakes, vibrates and contorts through his solos and Brian and I laugh when we come up with professions we’re glad he didn’t try…brain surgeon, moyle, tailor. Just watching him butter toast would be something to witness. Hattie stayed at Grammy and Grandpa’s house with all of the grandkids during the show. From the report we got, she did great, crawling many laps around the basement and observing all the action. It is so nice to be able to drop her off knowing she is in good hands (obviously!) and that she knows she’s in good hands. She was not so happy when we left her with her cousin a few weeks ago. Again, we were confidant she was in capable hands, but Hattie did not know her cousin's face as a familiar one, hence freaked out for a long while upon our departure. As Brian said, it is getting harder to leave her knowing that she may want us. When she was smaller, anyone would do. But now, at least for little while, Mom and Dad are the coolest people around. And I’ll take that while I can.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Almost forgot!

I almost forgot my most very favorite new thing Miss Hattie P. is doing...
When I get home from work, she crawls over to me and gives me a big hug. She puts her head on my chest and just lays there a minute. It is actually making me tear up right now just typing about it. "Highlight of my day" does not decribe it well enough. "Warming my heart" does not either. "Wonderful bonding time" isn't it.
Let's just say it feels like the finest moment of my entire life every single time.

HP Update

Hello. Long time no type. It’s been pretty busy around here, but thought I would throw in a Hattie update for you all. She’s been nothing but fun lately. Pointing at everything, ‘oohing’ a lot, and cruising the furniture like crazy. I initially thought she’d be walking by Halloween, but I don’t think she’ll be there. As much as she likes being upright, she doesn’t really seem in a big hurry. This is fine by me. We still haven’t proofed the house like we should’ve by now. But she is mellow enough that she’s content in the family room where she has full reign or in her pack and play upstairs. And I’ll take it while I can!
My mom made her a book with pictures of our family. It says, “We All Love Hattie” on the cover. Inside is a head shot of everyone with their name written above it. She absolutely loves looking through it. The last page is a picture of her. She’ll point at everyone as the pages are turned, but when she gets to the end, she smiles really wide, points and says “tata”. Will she be a total narcissist if her first word is ‘Hattie’? I don’t know if she really understands that is her or if it is just that one girl she sees in pictures and the one that is always watching her in the mirror. She is cute…
Here are a couple of new pics. One is at her activity table that she loves and the other is in the sink getting a quick bath. She pretty much overtakes the sink, but she likes it. It must remind her of when she was just a couple months old and would get baths in the kitchen. My, how she’s grown.