Friday, February 1, 2008

Hello, stranger

Hello blog world. It’s been awhile. Things have been speeding by so rapidly, time seems to be completely slipping away from me. Life is hectic right now. I am training in 3 different areas at work, and that just mentally drains me by the end of the day. Add to it that I am averaging 9 hours there, then going home to become mom, chef, shopper, and housekeeper and I feel spent. I haven’t worked out in months. My house is not nearly as clean as it should be. My car needs a detail. My hair is always a wreck. I haven’t spent time with my husband after about 9:00pm in weeks. I sleep so hard and so soundly we could get burglarized and I wouldn’t have a clue until morning. So there, there’s my little rant for the day. Woe is me. I have a beautiful child, loving husband, wonderful family and friends, health all around and plenty of money to live comfortably. Woe, indeed.
So, on to the good stuff. My daughter is funny. She understands about everything we say now, can identify body parts, walks everywhere, and laughs like she did something funny every time someone else laughs. She gets sillier all the time. We’re just having a blast.
I am adding pictures of HP in her new big kid car seat and playing in the laundry. She ‘helps’ with it a lot. Happy weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is one cute little girl!