Monday, April 20, 2009

My new favorite number -- 2:08

Yesterday was d-day. I’ve been waiting a long time for it – here’s a recap of my day and the official Brooks’ Race Report.
Woke up at 5:30 for coffee, a bagel and banana. Gathered all my gear, showered, and taped up the shin I was worried was going to give me trouble. Left about 6:45 for Lawrence in the pouring rain. I brought a trash bag to wear just in case it didn’t let up before the start. Thankfully, about halfway there it stopped for good. Hooray! About that time, “Running with the Devil” comes on the radio – even though there is a nervous knot in my stomach the size of Texas- I feel this is a good sign. My race number is also “73”, my birth year. Things are good.
Arrived in Lawrence in enough time to hit the porta-potty and warm up at the starting line. Feeling excited, nervous and happy. At 7:30 we’re off. One of my most favorite sounds is of the collective breathing and shuffling of a few hundred runners. It really is something to experience – it always makes me a little giddy – all that energy, solitude yet camaraderie, and some friendly competition. I start off a little too far ahead in the pack, I realize, as I am getting passed by several people. Oops. (Note to self – start back further next time. It is much more fun to pass than be passed.) We hit the one mile mark and I look at my watch – 8:40. Oops again. I am going much faster than my anticipated pace (between 9:30-10:00). That happens to me a lot – I get excited and go out too fast. I try to relax and slow down a bit. I miss the 2 mile sign, but at mile 3 I check my watch again and see 24:24. Still way fast – even for a 5K time – and I still have 10 miles to go! But, the 3 mile mark is at the top of a 2 mile hill and I am barely out of breath. I actually feel wonderful and like I could go even faster. I decide to keep my current pace, and if I run out of gas early, so be it. There is a lot to be said for race day adrenaline! I was in such a zone that miles flew by until about mile 8. Big hill, huge, nasty headwind and a slight rumble in the tummy. Uh-oh. Thank goodness that passes by mile 9. I definitely am slowing down some, but feel really great overall. Make it through mile 9 and on 10 there is a big downhill. Both knees start to ‘talk’ to me, and unfortunately I know exactly what is going to transpire shortly. Remember last year when I had to drop out of the half because of IT band issues? Well, here it is again, only this time it is welcoming me in both knees mid-race. For those of you whom have never had the misfortune of a flare-up, picture someone sliding several short thumbtacks on the outside of your knee so that every time you bend it, the tendon rubs over the tacks. It is really painful. So, at mile marker 11, both knees start to go. I stop and walk a bit, grunt/hobble/run a bit and repeat. I knew I was losing my great time I had going, but I had to finish! The a*holes that designed the course made the finish line at the top of a huge 2 mile hill. Nice, huh? Anyway, my grunt & run routine takes me to the top and I cross the finish line at 2:08. 2:08! I am amazed. Tears well up in my eyes at my accomplishment. My knees take a backseat to my feeling of pure elation. I receive my medal, walk around and stretch a bit, take the bus back to my car, make a couple of happy phone calls (Brian and Hattie drove up and missed my finish – they arrived 15 minutes too late!) and head home. Been walking like an 80 year old woman since then, but it was soooooooo worth it. I did it!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bert & Ernie

So, I don’t want to be one of those moms that claim her kid is a genius and more advanced than every other kid their age. However, I do have to post this drawing that Hattie did of Bert & Ernie - - I am pretty amazed at how good it is for a kid less than 2 and a half years old! I love how all her people wear hats. Brian and I have drawn her thousands of “Oswalds” upon request, and he wears a hat, so now everyone does.
I am also including a recent pic (unfortunately not of her in her cute Easter dress, since both sets of camera batteries were dead that day, damn it) and another one of her ability to pull off accessories, even in jammies.:-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

Happy belated Easter! We had a great weekend – busy, but fun. Brian played on Friday to a packed house at Kennedy’s while I enjoyed an empty/sleeping house with a big bowl of popcorn. Saturday we ran loads of errands and then I spent the evening (and early morning!) with my closest girlfriends as an early birthday treat for me and Ferk. It was such a blast, and as most all my friends mentioned – a much needed night away! For Easter we went to my M&D’s for brunch (mmmmmm!) and then hit Brian’s family for dinner. It was a long day (especially after the margaritas from Saturday), but definitely a good one. Hattie crashed in about 2 seconds after putting her to bed, and I did about the same. (On a side note - Hattie told me "Happy Easter Bunny, Mama" when I laid her down last night. So sweet.) I had to put the thought of my impending race out of my head so that I could sleep. Six days and counting. My running has been iffy lately - - I took the last 2 weeks off and the week before that I cut way back on miles due to some shin problems. I ran a couple of 3 milers over the weekend and I think I am all healed up, but I am really worried that I am sorely under-trained for this race on Sunday. I just really, really, really hope I can finish alright. I am certainly a bit nervous about it, but am really excited for it at the same time. Please keep your fingers crossed that I do it! This is what’s getting me through: “Finishing is better than not finishing, and not finishing is loads better than not trying.” So true….Lawrence, here I come!