Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bert & Ernie

So, I don’t want to be one of those moms that claim her kid is a genius and more advanced than every other kid their age. However, I do have to post this drawing that Hattie did of Bert & Ernie - - I am pretty amazed at how good it is for a kid less than 2 and a half years old! I love how all her people wear hats. Brian and I have drawn her thousands of “Oswalds” upon request, and he wears a hat, so now everyone does.
I am also including a recent pic (unfortunately not of her in her cute Easter dress, since both sets of camera batteries were dead that day, damn it) and another one of her ability to pull off accessories, even in jammies.:-)


Anonymous said...

But she is amazing! and so talented! and a fashion diva!

Unknown said...

So Cute!!! I love the last pic! I think she is ready for Paris!