Friday, September 5, 2008

Good Day

Yep, it’s a good day.
*It’s Friday.
*I won’t be putting in a busy 9 hour day at work
*I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a couple of weeks and lost 4 pounds.
*I put on a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in a couple of years (they are one of my favorite pairs and are developing a small hole, so I was saving them – for what I have no idea) anyway, I put them on last night and they are really baggy.
*I bought the ring pictured last night. A pearl for my Hattie Pearl.
*Tomorrow is our annual cousin’s golf tournament. It’s probably my 6 or 7th year playing…it involves really terrible golf, lots of cheap beer, and even more laughing with my favorite girl cousins. I can’t wait.
Have to include a few fun HP facts before I go…
*When we pull into the driveway now she says, “hommmme” from the backseat.
*She has a bit of a shoe obsession and calls our flip-flops “faw fops”
*She stretches out with me after my runs. Too cute.
*When she sees me topless, she points at my boobs and says, “oh no”. Not so cute.
*If a car honks anywhere near her vicinity, she answers with a small “beep beep”
*She calls green beans “bean beans”.
*Her counting has declined a bit – she used to count to 6 (although usually missed ‘5’). Now she counts to 10, but does it 2,4,6,8,10. I have no idea how or why she learned this, but it is an obvious sign she’s a math genius, right?
Happy Weekend.

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