Friday, June 12, 2009

Potty Party

Yesterday we officially began potty training. We have watched movies, read books, bought a potty, talked about the potty, sat on the potty, but Hattie had never actually had any action on the potty. Yesterday she finally did. I whisked her into the bathroom right when she woke from her nap. Her potty chair plays a song when used, and as soon as she let go and heard the song and saw the look on my face she was so proud! It was really cute. We did a dance, called the grandparents, got lots of hugs, smiles, and yes, m&ms. I’m not above bribery, you know.
She went 3 more times successfully before bed. Woo hoo! Honestly, I’ve been kind of dreading starting all this. We live in a fully carpeted house for one. Secondly, I guess I just wasn’t looking forward to trying to keep track of her bladder’s schedule and telling her a million times a day where we have to go. I am expecting many set-backs, but feel our first day was a big success. My big girl.
On another happy note, I am taking all next week off of work. We’re not going away, so if you need me I will at home blissfully doing nothing. Ahh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for Mommy and Hattie!