Thursday, July 23, 2009


I took off work yesterday so we could take a trip to the zoo. It was a perfect day…sunny and not too hot (well, at least for KC in July). Hattie enjoyed seeing all the animals, especially the ‘goats’ (kudu). In the morning before we left, I asked what animals she was excited to see…I listed a few to nods and yeses and her question to me was, “They’re not going to lick me, are they Mama?” I told her no, no animals would lick her at the zoo…it didn’t dawn on me until a little later that she’s used to dogs who always give her kisses.

We’re on day 3 of 5 on the potty chart. Each day that she stays dry we mark off a day. On day 5, Hattie is going to get a new bike! Her very first bike. I think I am just as excited as she is. We almost made it to day 4 yesterday, but the long day with a 10 minute nap resulted in a mishap late in the day. When she has an accident, she'll look at me and say, "Aw, I'm sorry Mama. I'm sorry." It breaks my heart a little bit, she wants to do good and she knows she's let down her cheering section. Overall though, she is doing great – just a couple of setbacks.
And you know there are few things cuter in this world than a tiny behind in Elmo underpants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look really buff Amy!