Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hair Inspiration

I chopped all my hair off last weekend. It’s short and feels good. And I am having a good hair day today, which always helps. I didn’t have many (any) of those with my long hair. Since so much of it fell out after I had Hattie, I had all these weird short hairs that made my hair look frizzy all the time. It was flyaway city. So, here’s the picture I took to Gina (friend and stylist). Ah Meg, you are always my hair inspiration…

Of course I still look nothing like her, but I am not a 6 foot tall skinny blond with my own team of hair people spending hours to make it look ‘perfectly messy’. Gina did a great job. Now if I can just get it to stop growing so I don’t have to go back in a week I’ll be a happy girl.

Speaking of hair, I will have to post a pic of HP. Her hair is still only growing upwards. It totally defies the law of gravity. It is so soft, downy like a duck, and it makes me smile every time I see her. Well, of course I'd be smiling at her anyhow but the hair helps. I promise to post some new pics soon.

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