Monday, July 30, 2007


This weekend I watched as Hattie observed a butterfly flittering about our backyard. It gave me pause as I remembered a day when I was pregnant with her...
I was at a medical office taking a 3 hour long glucose test. There was a lot of sitting and waiting involved, so I watched out the window as people came and went from the office building. I gazed out at a feeble old man inching his way towards the front door of the building when he stopped in his tracks. I assumed he was catching his breath or possibly had remembered something left in his car. But then a smile came over his face as he stood and watched a small butterfly moving about in the bushes. He grinned as the butterfly finally flew up and away. It struck me as such a simple and beautifully pure scene. Instantly tears came to my eyes and still do when I think of him. When my days begin to get hectic and threaten to move past without pause, I will try and remember how little it takes to stop and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Have a beautiful week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so good at this, maybe you missed your calling as a writer I so enjoy your blogs and look at HP's pics every day just for a smile