Monday, April 30, 2007

Shape? What shape?

It’s Monday. Kinda feels like a Monday. Getting ready to head home and take Hattie on another run. We will see how it goes today. We tried 2 ‘runs’ (I use that term incredibly loosely) last week and she was not a happy camper on them. I think maybe the straps in the jogger rub on her neck. Hopefully with some extra padding she will be a happy companion and, more importantly, a distraction for me. I need something to help me along the way because I am completely, utterly and pathetically out of shape. I am all healed after the surgeries and that is the important part, but man am I in sorry a** shape. Last week I made it all of 2 blocks before stopping in a pant. And my legs and knees were sore the next day. What the hell? I mean I know I've never been a marathoner, but really? Sore after THAT? Oh boy, I am old. I may have to stick with the elliptical and aerobics. And maybe those aerobics you can do sitting down…
To all my girlfriends, it was lovely to see you and your families on Saturday. Fun husbands, beautiful kids and close friends. We are so lucky! Love you all!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lazy Days

Even though it is already Wednesday, I am still thinking about what a wonderful weekend I had. It was good enough to carry me through my busy-ass week. Here’s the rundown of a perfect weekend for me…
Friday night Brian played, so I spent a girlie evening at home. Made a huge batch of Mantel popcorn and watched Memoirs of a Geisha, which was a disappointment compared with the book. I always have a hard time enjoying movies when I’ve read the book. I guess it’s difficult to match the power of one’s own imagination. Oh well, the popcorn was perfect.
Saturday was a gorgeous day, made even better by the fact that Hattie slept from 8:30 to 8:30. Hoo-ray! She’s always been a pretty good sleeper, but typically we’ve had to get up once for a bottle. Her cereal must be sticking to her ribs. Love it. We spent the day lounging and sitting in the sun, interspersed with a small amount of housework and errands. It was lovely.
Saturday night was our date night. We dropped the kid off at 6 and headed down to City Tavern. We shared a bottle of wine, chatted and giggled over awesome steaks. Then we moved outside to their patio area and watched the trains go by. The restaurant is in the freight district, so we had a nice view of downtown and Union Station (one of the coolest buildings in KC, if you ask me). We eventually meandered our way over to Bar Natasha, for a quick drink before (well, not quite before) the cabaret show started. All in all a fantastic, relaxing evening spent with one of my favorite people in the world.
Sunday we slept in again (I love you rice cereal), skipped church (I’ll catch you next week, God) and read the paper over cups of mochas Brian made while Hattie slept. There is nothing better in the world than a lazy Sunday morning. We piddled around the house until mid-afternoon when we headed to Mom and Dad’s for yet another birthday celebration. We had the world’s best tacos and watched the kids run around. They are a lively bunch, and always thoroughly entertain me. I can’t wait until Hattie is old enough to chase after all of them. It’s going to be a treat!
Only 2 more days until we go around again.

Friday, April 20, 2007

She is exceptional

Last night Brian and I gave Hattie cereal for the second time. We tried a few weeks ago to lots of crazy faces and cereal making a quick exit the way it went in. Last night was a different story. After just a few spoonfuls, she was getting the hang of it and was even opening her mouth in anticipation of the next bite. It may seem a small thing to most, but its a huge step in my eyes. My girl is growing up. Alright, she's not exactly off to her first day of school or learning to drive, but its a big change for me. She's also grabbing everything now and tasting it. Not biting it like most babies (no teeth yet), but taking a lick. She's funny like that. We can tell when she is getting tired when she starts to lick her wrist. Quirky girl.

On Saturday Hattie is going to Grammy and Grandpas for the evening while Brian and I have a night out to celebrate my birthday. We're heading to City Tavern for dinner (hello, filet mignon with truffles, how I've been waiting...) and we may go see 'Hot Fuzz'. LOVED 'Shaun of the Dead' and Simon Pegg is starring in this one, too. I think the last movie I saw at the theatre was Marie Antoinette about 6 months ago. Can't wait to undistractedly enjoy a flick with the hubby. A very deep, intense movie.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On a sunny day...

Here's couple of Hattie in her sunhat from Grammy.

You can't have him

Yesterday was my birthday; 34 years old. Somehow that seems wrong. 34...really? You would think after 34 years that birthdays would lose their luster, but in some ways I am still such a little kid about them. It floats around in my head all day that 'today is my special day'. I don't expect gifts or a parade or anything but I still hang onto my thoughts tightly. I somehow hover, just a millimeter off the ground. Nothing bad sinks in, and nothing great goes without a 'of course, that's because its my day'. Its slightly surreal. Does everyone do this or is it just another little game I play in my head? Anyhow, back to the day....
Brian was wonderful. When I got home from work there were a dozen beautiful peach roses from Hattie (she's good!) and a ring from Brian. It is a silver band engraved with Hattie's name on the outside so you can always see it (he may have had a little hint about this floating in the "Favorites" sidebar of his 'puter). He had also gone to the grocery store and stocked us up, cleaned house and was just generally wonderful. We had shrimp primavera for dinner and shared a bottle of wine. Hattie snuggled with me for an hour before I put her to bed. All in all, a pretty fabulous day. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Positive Attitude

The weekend has almost arrived and I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Its funny the tricks I use to get myself out of bed early in the morning; like the hope of getting to snuggle in bed on Saturday with the family, the anticipation of peeking in on Hattie sleeping in her crib, or the coffee I will fix myself at work before doing any sort of work whatsoever. I have found that arriving at 6 or 6:30 gives me some time to 'ease' into my work days more than when the building is full of people and I start off running. That is nice. See? Its all about positive attitude. I am trying very hard to work on that.
Speaking of Hattie sleeping in her crib, it is so cute that she has favorite spots that she will scoot to for comfort. If you face her one direction, she will automatically inch-worm her way into the corner until the top of her head is next to the bumper pads. The other direction is similar, but is just the end and not the corner, so she can stay under her mobile. She loves her mobile. She squeals and talks to it as the little animals make their way above her in a circle. I often wonder what she thinks about at times like those. Is it the familiarity that she enjoys? The Mozart or Beethoven playing? The movement of colors? Who knows. I do know that she is the joy of our lives. It is totally fascinating to watch how far she has already come in 4.5 months. I am so blessed to have this miracle to watch bloom in front of my eyes.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter bunny

Here's the girlie at Easter. This picture makes me smile because she looks as if she's in the middle of a conversation with someone (though the lack of teeth and drool-covered sweater are a pretty fair indication she's not).

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

With a Twinkle in Her Eye

My Grandma Katie died last week. She was mom of 6, grandma of 13 and a
great-grandma to 15. What a life she had! Dad and I used to joke with
her years ago about how we would put 'bop til you drop' on her
headstone. She lived such a full life. I couldn't
have asked for a more wonderful Grandma - she made each one of us feel
so special, came to every event in my youth and had a giggle so
infectious that I will remember it forever. She was the coolest. At the
funeral yesterday while I was teary-eyed with all the people who loved
her surrounding her and celebrating her, I couldn't help but wonder and
hope if there will be such a send off for me when I go. It made me want
to live my life more fully. Do I need 3 hours of worthless tv viewing a day? I think not.
You were a great lady Kate, and will so be missed.

Friday, April 6, 2007

A Good Start

For about a year now, a part of my daily web routine has been to check my friend Emily's blog ( She lives in Seattle, but when I read her blog I feel like I could be sitting at her kitchen table chatting over coffee. She is such a fabulous writer that everything comes across completely in her own voice. She inspired me to start my own blog. I am a fairly private person, so this should be quite a trip for me. Feels like one of my dreams where I am standing naked in front of a roomful of people or somehow forgot to put pants on one day...