Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Random Notes

1. The surprise anniversary dinner went off without a hitch (save for a tired and glassy-eyed but content little girl). B&B were surprised and delighted. I must say I am rather proud of myself for that one. I made dinner, I decorated, I picked out and bought the group present and they’re not even my parents! I am good. And oh so very humble.
2. Brian and Hattie decided to share their colds with me. They’re very generous people you know. Mine has now developed into a cough. I remembered an email I received not too long ago about putting Vic’s Rub on the bottom of your feet before going to bed to stave off a cough all night. I must say it is so strange, but it totally works. As soon as I put it on the tickle in my throat went away. I didn’t cough until about 5:00 in the morning. Amazing. So, there’s at least one true email floating around out there in webland.
3. And you wonder why we’re all fat…
One of Brian and my favorite Asian restaurants closed down about a month ago. It was very disappointing, as it carried us through many pregnant nights when nothing sounded good but a ‘tofu hot pot’ or ‘beef noodle soup’. We just saw that they reopened (same owners – different name) as a buffet. Are we really that hungry? Does one good entrĂ©e just not suffice anymore? Do we really need 25 entrees and all the fried appetizers we can shove down our gullets? I guess so. We went back to investigate. Fried Rangoon. Fried egg roll. Fried rice. Humph. But there is one saving grace…you can order off a menu that resembles their menu of old. Steamed rice. Miso. Tofu. Light sauce. Main dish soups. Heaven. Maybe we can begin again, Tien Tien.
4. Hattie had her first swim on Sunday at my aunt’s pool. She was pretty funny with it. Didn’t like it at all at first and just made this whining/grunting noise when I dipped her in. It was pretty comical. After awhile I guess she got used to the temperature being much cooler than the bathtub and started to get into it more. By the end she was splashing a bit (notice her wet face in the pic) and sitting on her floaty while we swished around. We will definitely be back. My girl’s going to be a water baby…she looks too good in her suit not to.

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