Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Emily is ever my blog idol (all hail Queen of the Blog!). She made a list of 100 things about herself. It is supposed to be a self-enlightening process. I don't know about that, but I do know its probably more than anyone wants to know about me. And its terribly random. Here goes...
1. My shower is my dirty little secret. ‘Dirty’ being the key word.
2. My new eyes have made this terribly apparent-I used to live blissfully blind and unaware. How does a “cleaning area” become so dirty so quickly?
3. The rest of my house is pretty clean.
4. My husband is my best friend.
5. It is a huge pleasure having a copilot to share life with.
6. I love wine.
7. I enjoy a good buzz.
8. I enjoy a good buzz more often than I should.
9. I request catalogues just to get mail.
10. I do not like to see myself in pictures.
11. I do not like to be videotaped. At all.
12. When looking in the mirror, I do not look at the ‘big picture’ only small areas. Clean teeth, mascara application, hairdo, etc.
13. I do not own a full length mirror.
14. My daughter makes my heart smile more than anything else on earth.
15. They say that the average person laughs 17 times a day. With Brian, Hattie, friends and family I more than double that. Easily.
16. I like my freckles and loathe my age spots.
17. I consider my gray hairs a right of passage.
18. I choose a day to clean house when I know I can be home that night to snuggle in and enjoy it. And I do immensely.
19. I am a blusher who hates to blush. It’s a crippling weakness to me.
20. Some of the reasons I chose to be a scientist; fewer people to deal with
21. No presentations.
22. No dressing up.
23. Oh yeah, and I like science. It’s the hands-on part that I like. I’m no brainiac.
24. I am a big penny pincher when it comes to (most) things.
25. I don’t see any reason to pay obscene amounts of money to be a walking billboard.
26. I don’t see any reason to pay obscene amounts of money on clothing or purses to impress other people.
27. I don’t feel the need to ‘pamper’ myself much. My whole life is pretty cushy.
28. I’ve never had a pedicure.
29. I’ve had 1 (free) massage. This I may treat myself to again someday.
30. I’ve had 2 manicures and don’t get the appeal. My nails suck.
31. My girlfriends are one of my biggest assets. I couldn’t feel any more fortunate to have them. Most I have known since high school or longer.
32. I don’t talk to them nearly enough.
33. I am aiming for retirement at 55.
34. 35 would be better.
35. Short of being independently wealthy, I enjoy my job very much.
36. I refuse to buy Hattie any clothing with the word Princess or Diva on it.
37. Piercing the ears of babies makes me cringe. Aren’t their faces beautiful enough without painful adornments they didn’t choose?
38. A good cup of coffee is one of life’s great pleasures.
39. So is chocolate anything.
40. I am striving to be the kind of parent that my parents are to me.
41. My family is the best. Ever. Truly.
42. You can’t have them.
43. I have ridden on a fan boat in the Everglades.
44. I have visited 10 countries. England, Ireland and Switzerland are my favorites.
45. On my bad days, I daydream of shucking it all and moving to Ireland.
46. I regret not studying more in school.
47. The Sunday paper and lounging with family are what weekends are all about.
48. I am a horrible arguer/debater.
49. My best comebacks usually arrive an hour too late.
50. I watch too much tv, but enjoy it a lot.
51. My wardrobe is pretty pathetic.
52. I have a love/hate relationship with shopping.
53. And my body. It’s healthy & strong, but flabby.
54. I try to convince myself I like working out.
55. Most of the time, I do not.
56. I do get a high when I work out hard enough.
57. But it’s not often enough!
58. My opinions sometimes get in the way of my happiness.
59. Hattie is exceptional. And I am not biased.
60. My husband is goofy and sooo kind-hearted. Two of his best qualities.
61. Patience is not a virtue of mine.
62. But I am working on it.
63. Clowns frighten me.
64. So does public speaking.
65. And maggots.
66. And leeches.
67. If I could take my family and friends, I would move to the beach.
68. I love water. Drinkable, swimmable, watchable. I can stare at the ocean or a lake for hours. And have.
69. I am competitive, but hopefully in a fun way.
70. The last few years I have been embarrassed to be an American. Thanks, George.
71. I have a phone phobia. Hate talking to anyone I don’t see on a regular basis. I feel awkward and talk too fast. I’ve no idea why.
72. I don’t own a cell phone.
73. David Beckham and Matt Damon are pretty close to perfect physical specimens.
74. I doodle a lot.
75. My knees are beginning to sound like rice krispies.
76. I have a huge extended family all in KC. Huge. And they are really, really fun.
77. I’ve never broken a bone.
78. Hard physical labor is extremely rewarding to me. But I am glad I don’t have to do it for a living.
79. Our yard is in a sad state of affairs.
80. I enjoy working in the yard, but don’t do it nearly enough. HP is my excuse.
81. After her bath time, I sniff Hattie more than I probably should.
82. I love my car.
83. After life at KU, I am pretty adept at parallel parking.
84. I tried to learn drums, but my sense of timing is not so good. It is fun, though!
85. I wish for Hattie her father’s musical abilities.
86. Even with my fear of public speaking, I have always dreamed of being a great singer.
87. When I am not in a hurry, I like my handwriting.
88. I would absolutely hate living in Hollywood or L.A.
89. I love board games.
90. One of 3 “Bs” always sounds good. Beatles, Bob (Marley) or The Band.
91. I could live on grilled veggies, pizza, tofu stir fry and Chipotle burrito bowls.
92. Add chocolate and baked goods to that list.
93. At all times I have all the ingredients in my kitchen to make chocolate chip cookies.
94. I wish I could express myself better when I am angry or upset.
95. Does anyone really need or want to know this much about me?
96. I have become much less lazy as I’ve aged and become a wife and mom. I like that.
97. Hattie is my joy in life, but sometimes I miss my independence and freedom.
98. Compassion is a quality I am working on.
99. The older I get, the mellower my music becomes.
100. My life is pretty damn good.

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