Friday, August 17, 2007

My New Friend

For my Dad’s birthday, JKNJLL and BAH bought 2 tickets to Willie Nelson. We were excited to purchase something a little more fun than a new garden hose or drill bits. But alas, Mom and Dad got an opportunity to go on a swanky trip that week. Obviously staying in a super-lux condo in the mountains takes precedence over seeing an old pot smoking hippie croon. So, we are working on a replacement concert for them and selling the tickets for more than peanuts. This is where my new friend comes into play. L-O-V-E I-T. It took 2 seconds to list my ad. Within hours we had one offer, within a day had 3 more, and all offered over face value. Of course with Ticketmasters monopoly (yeah Supreme Court, I said MONOPOLY) and their rape of the common consumer to print out a simple ticket, face value is not really face value anymore. But I digress. My point is that I love craigslist. I have a new friend who is treating me well. We talked about doing eBay, but that takes several days, locks you in, and takes a cut. Plus you can’t pay cash and have to worry about mailing, PayPal, blah blah blah. Craigslist is only local people, and you cut out all middlemen and go directly buyer-seller. The woman who is purchasing our tix is from Lawrence and buying the tickets as a birthday gift for her boyfriend. I am meeting her at a McDonalds near my work. (A crowded McDonalds, Mom. No worries.) She will bring me cash, and I will bring her tix. Done deal. If it doesn’t work out for some reason, I have 3 other people’s emails to fall back on. Love it.

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