Monday, August 27, 2007


This weekend Hattie smiled and I spied a tooth poking through on top. Upon further inspection, I saw FOUR teeth coming in! All on top. At first I saw only three-- one front tooth and two on either side. That would’ve looked pretty comical if the other front tooth had lagged. But it is now poking through, too. She is going to look so different soon. It’s amazing how quickly she is changing; I swear some days you can almost observe it happening.
She is also crawling a lot now. When she does, she breathes really loud and fast like she's having sooo much fun. This is good, as it makes it much easier to track her. I know she’s on a roll when I hear breathing and squealing. She’s pretty funny, that girl.
Lately I’ve been having these visions of her when she is bigger. The other day we were sitting under a fan, her hair blowing and we were laughing. I had this vision of her being 12 years old on an amusement park ride. It came in a flash and it makes me so excited to see what kind of person she is going to become. So far her personality is very laid back, but highly inquisitive-- she has to know everything going on, just like her dad. As her Grammy says, “she doesn’t miss a trick”. She also has Brian and my own love of music….she will stop whatever she is doing and listen to a song being played for several moments. She is very funny and loves us being goofy. Its funny that at such a young age babies know "goofy". And obviously, Brian and I are. She gets very excited when all three of us are together and we play. I do get the impression that it is the highlight of her day (its also mine). I can’t wait to watch her personality develop more and more as she gets older.
And I’ll get some pics of her toothy grin soon….

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